
Be a YESHUAN: A Call to Live with Purpose, Joy, and Love

To be a Yeshuan is to step into a life of divine purpose, overflowing with love, joy, and peace. It’s an invitation to live beyond ordinary existence, reigning in the realm of God’s love while expanding His kingdom on earth. Yeshuans are more than believers; they are co-rulers with God, called to lead with heart-centered wisdom, grace, and transformative joy. Through love and service, Yeshuans embody what it means to live fully in God’s presence.

A Heart Occupied with Love: HALOH!

At the core of the Yeshuan life is the principle of having a Heart Occupied with Love (HALOH!). This is not a passive love; it is a powerful force that drives compassionate action, fosters empathy, and encourages kindness in all interactions. A love-occupied heart is the vessel through which God’s love flows into the world, filling every space with selflessness, care, and divine grace. HALOH is the fuel for a life that radiates peace and joy, leaving a lasting imprint on everyone it touches.

A Joyous Overflowing Lovely Life: JOLLY!

Yeshuans are called to live a life of joy—a Joyous Overflowing Lovely Life (JOLLY!). This joy transcends external circumstances and is rooted in an unshakable connection with God. It is a joy that reflects the abundance of God’s blessings, expressed in everyday gratitude, positivity, and enthusiasm. Living a JOLLY life means constantly choosing joy, uplifting others, and spreading happiness wherever you go. It’s about being a beacon of light in a world that desperately needs it.

Kingship Consciousness: Ruling with Love, Peace, and Joy

Yeshuans understand their Kingship Consciousness—a deep awareness of their divine identity as kings and queens of love, peace, and joy. Their authority comes not through domination but through a commitment to love deeply, foster peace, and radiate joy in all they do. This royal identity compels Yeshuans to stand for justice, righteousness, and the transformative power of goodness, always seeking to overcome evil with good.

As the Yeshuans Anthem declares:

We overcome Evil with Good
We are Yeshuans!
The Spirit of God is the power in us
We are Yeshuans!

A Journey of Continuous Growth

The Yeshuan path is not a final destination but a continual journey of growth. Every step taken is a deeper discovery of God’s heart, an opportunity to bring more of heaven’s kingdom to earth. Yeshuans live in a state of inner peace, with purposeful relationships, unwavering resilience, and a clear sense of direction. Their impact is undeniable, as they leave the world better than they found it—one act of love and joy at a time.

Joyist Warriors: Transforming the World with Joy

Yeshuans are not passive participants in the world; they are Joyist Warriors, entrepreneurs of joy who use their gifts, talents, and creativity to bring about transformation. They form communities of joy, build harmonious environments, and live with a Posterity Joy Consciousness—always mindful of how their actions impact future generations. Whether through grassroots efforts or global movements, Yeshuans are committed to creating a world filled with peace, love, and sustainable joy.

Celebrate Every Day

For Yeshuans, life is a celebration of God’s unending love, and this celebration happens every single day. Just as the Yeshuans Anthem celebrates the birth, death, and resurrection of Yeshua, Yeshuans rejoice in these truths daily, not only during special festivals but through their everyday actions and attitudes:

Celebrate, celebrate, every single day
The joy of Yeshua, never fades away
Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost
We celebrate, the joy of His love for us!

This daily celebration is a reminder that Yeshua’s love and joy are constant, empowering us to live with purpose, resilience, and gratitude.

Priests of God and Carriers of Wisdom

As priests of God, Yeshuans serve as carriers of divine wisdom. Their worship goes beyond songs—it is reflected in every action, every word, and every choice they make. Guided by divine insight, Yeshuans strive for excellence in all they do, glorifying God through their lives and inspiring others to reach for the same divine standard. Their lives are living testimonies of what it means to live for God’s kingdom.

Embrace Your Yeshuan Identity

To be a Yeshuan is to embrace your identity as a divine co-ruler, tasked with bringing heaven’s kingdom to earth. This means:

  • Manifesting love in every action
  • Fostering peace in every relationship
  • Spreading joy in every encounter

Yeshuans understand that their lives have a profound purpose. They are World Transformers and Joy Proliferators, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world. As the anthem joyfully proclaims:

We are Divine Entrepreneurs!
We are World Transformers!
We are Joy Proliferators!
We are the Yeshuans!

A Legacy of Joy and Love

Yeshuans are building more than just lives—they are creating legacies. Through their commitment to love, peace, and joy, they leave behind a world transformed by God’s goodness. Their work will resonate through generations, as they plant seeds of joy and hope that will bloom for years to come.

As Yeshuans, we are called to reign with divine authority, not through power or control, but through love, compassion, and joy. Together, let us embrace our Yeshuan identity and co-rule with God, manifesting His kingdom on earth and creating a world that reflects His glory.

We are Yeshuans, and we celebrate the joy of Yeshua every single day!